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QB in-season training tips
03 Apr 2022

The goal of in-season training for quarterbacks should be to maintain and refresh on the things that have been introduced in the off-season. In-season training is considered to be the most valuable because it’s where you compete at a high level in the quest for a championship. Here are some tips to having successful in-season training. Again, the goal for quarterback’s is to maintain.

  • Don’t skip the weights

Contrary to popular belief, weight training is a key part of healing the body while in season. You can still lift without sacrificing time. The key is to keep the same intensity but have less volume. For quarterback’s this means that light lifts and resistance work will become your best friends. In the weight room, I recommend dumbbell work and resistance bands to improve flexibility, endurance, and range of motion. This will keep the body sharp up top. For the lower body, bodyweight work outs will do the trick. Weight training has an abundance of benefits. Starting with reducing the risks of injury, this increases the mineral density in the bones that increase overall strength. With increased strength, this increases explosiveness. Better body composition is another benefit. This increases agility, quickness, and power. It also increases muscle endurance. The last benefit is having quick neuro-muscular activation. This allows for quick brain function and optimized movements.

  • Dynamic stretching

This is vital to a quarterback’s regime, similar to off-season work. These help to reduce the risk of injury and improve flexibility in the joints and muscles. Check out some my favorite dynamic stretches at Dynamic Stretching: Benefits, When to Use, Examples, and More ( These will truly work wonders for every quarterback that does them, it did wonders for me during my playing days. Dynamic stretching also improves nerve activity.

  • Nutrition 

Better Nutrition leads to healthy weight, a clear mind, and faster recovery. Check out this article by the Gatorade science institution YOUTH ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT AND NUTRITION ( The other benefits of nutrition include increased energy levels, better concentration, decreased fatigue, and the ability to optimize training sessions. The end goal is to optimize recovery. Sleep is also important when it comes down to nutrition. The body has to have the space to properly use the nutrients that are given by nutrition.

  • Final words

The goal of in-season training for quarterbacks should be to maintain and refresh on the things that have been introduced in the off-season. These were key tips that will help you maximize your in-training as a quarterback. I hope that all of you take this opportunity to use these tips as a way to improve your overall health and game.


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